Please notify both the Non Emergency Columbia County Dispatch Number and the Non Empergency Fire Department Number to notify them on the date/time and location of the controlled burn.
You may also be required to obtain a burning permit.
Message from the Fire Chef of the Portage Fire Department February 2, 2021
Prior to starting burning and/or burning permits. Contact the Columbia County Dispatch prior to open burning of materials, also contact the Portage Fire Department prior to open burning of materials.
Why contact both before starting burning?
If the fire department is dispatched to your address for a controlled burn a bill is generated for that response. Dispatch and Portage Fire Department are doing our best to alleviate this scenario, but sometimes depending on the 911 caller and their directions, it is difficult to know the exact location of the burn. This triggers a response that could be avoided. I know the DNR don’t even require a permit if the ground is snow covered but it is still very important to notify Dispatch and PFD. This is a change to the past requirements; the Fire Department is trying to avoid a bill from being generated.